A modern day parable

Last week Jameela Jamil She/her (ex DJ and now professional irritant/’actress’ ) misgendered someone on Twitter. I’m not sure how, I have been busy and her feed is too awful to look at for any stretch of time, but of course it blew up into a massive row. What a woman of her age should have said was “oh fuck off. I’m an adult, not a child and have no time to play your ridiculous games”. But she didn’t. She apologised and suggested a way to prevent this horrific, unspeakable crime ever happening again.

Now we who have been watching and partaking in the gender wars for far, far too long knew she wouldn’t be forgiven. She’s a woman and she dared to get it wrong (i.e correct)

So, of course, the gender borgs all descended and the self appointed Kings of all that is ‘queer’ gave their judgement.


And another woman who has been happy to shit on women from her position of privilege gets knocked off her high horse, and learns that every witch huntress will eventually find themselves looking at the flames licking at their feet and wondering why their cock pandering to men like this wasn’t enough.


The new Stalinists are still making lists…

Denouncing their friends and family to try and save themselves from the purges…

What they haven’t realised yet is that you can’t win this game. The traps have been deliberately set and you will walk into one eventually. The rules change daily. Confusion is the point.

This has never been about supporting trans people to live safely. It’s always been about separating children from their families, creating life long patients, throwing a bomb into the LGB community, putting women in their place.

They have created imaginary monsters from good people, who are trying to protect women and children. JK Rowling is a hero. The people who keep quiet are cowards. Because they can see what’s happening. The people who probably believe they would have housed a family of Jews during the war are actually too scared to speak up when they see a form of totalitarianism in their lifetime.

This is what bravery looks like

No-one really believes that TWAW. No-one. They lie to protect themselves and lie to themselves that they’re being kind and it’s all harmless. Well it’s not. Women are being raped in prison. Female sports are being taken over by sad, pathetic, inadequate men. Children are being harmed. Really harmed. Puberty blockers do permanent damage, yet these smug pricks think they are the kind, progressive ones?

The days of ‘no debate’ is over. They haven’t got any coherent arguments and that’s why they’re losing. They wanted the entire world to lie to appease their vile ideology. They went too far and the anger you’re seeing online is the dying cries of a wounded monster that knows it’s lost. You don’t tell people to unfollow the heretics, unless you know the heretics are speaking the truth. Hiding the facts from the faithful is what keeps cults alive. But now the truth is everywhere, the lawsuits are happening and these fanatics will finally be exposed as the evil lunatics they always were.

Stop being a coward and speak up



The Tavistock gender clinic is closing. The Cass report found that vulnerable children were being harmed and a huge overhaul was needed.

People, good people, have been shouting about this for years, but people like the Guardian bully and other child abuse apologists ignored the evidence and labelled them bigots or transphobic.


These TRAs (or child abusers as I think they should be called) told everyone that puberty blockers were safe, reversible, just a pause button. They were lying through their back teeth and god knows how many children have been damaged by these evil, money grabbing ideologists.

The findings found that no follow ups were done. There is no clear data on what has happened to these poor children, used as guinea pigs to prop up the religious beliefs of gender ideology. Many of them are now adults and speaking out about their regret and anger at what was done to them, at an age where they trusted the grown-ups. Make no mistake, this is one of the biggest medical scandals for a very long time and so far we only know the tip of the iceberg. Other countries should sit up and take note, because if you don’t the lawsuits will be flooding in and whoever could have stopped it, but didn’t, will go down in history as monsters.

Huge thank you to the many, many brave women and men who have received so much abuse for standing up for what they knew was right, despite knowing the repercussions for daring to question this new imported religion. You are all heroes. Go back and read JK Rowling’s essay. That beautiful woman was 100% correct.

J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues

I hope that people who genuinely didn’t understand how bad it all was will have the good grace to apologise to those they have wronged. I hope that this marks the end of all the organisations that choose profit over safeguarding. I truly hope that this wakes up all politicians to get these pernicious brain washing lunatics out of schools, hospitals, all tax payer funded institutions. No parent should be paying to have their child taught dangerous lies.

I feel the grown-ups may finally be back in the room.

Stonewall are dying. Next up Mermaids. Please.

Stonewall on the ropes

Stonewall recently tweeted this:

In response to this:

My 4-year-old is gender nonconforming – but her nursery doesn’t respect that

Understandably the backlash was fierce and angry. Two years olds. TWO YEAR OLDS KNOW THEY’RE TRANS. Even as I’m typing this I can’t quite believe they thought this was acceptable. Yet certain people somehow defended them.

Counterpoint; not all of us believe in your religion you mad eejit.

Stonewall were clearly shaken (scared of losing funding) by the huge response (almost all of it negative). They obviously didn’t apologise but decided to go full gaslight and pretend that they didn’t say what everyone had seen them say.

Nice try, but nah

Stonewall are on the ropes. This once fine organisation has torched its own reputation at the alter of gender ideology, almost certainly for monetary gain.

Even they know they’ve gone too far this time

They’ve been QT by people in power who are appalled at what they are fighting for. They want to teach toddlers that they can change sex (in an environment away from their parents) and all because they’re greedy bastards with not a scrap of moral integrity left. Nancy Kelly is a homophobic bully and anyone who continues to support their revolting aims are child abusers, pure and simple.

They’ve intimidated, misinterpreted the law and created a climate of fear for long enough. They’ve called for our jobs, our reputations using the worst kind of bullying I’ve ever seen. The minute their supporters went for JK Rowling sane people would have heard alarm bells. JK ROWLING FOR CHRIST’S SAKE. One of the kindest women who has ever lived. Unfortunately for them she is also one of the most intelligent. When I read her essay I though ‘my god she’s done her research’ and I guess so did they. That’s why she had to be destroyed.

Well tough shit. You were always going to fail. Trying to get the entire country to go along with your homophobic, misogynistic, batshit mantras. No. Your power over us has gone. No more fear. Fuck off the lot of you. You came for our kids. Big mistake. Huge mistake. I’d like to say again for the people at the back; if you are still supporting their aims (or keeping quiet, you cowards) you are child abuse apologists. No better than the monsters who protected Savile. So fuck off with your smug little threads and calling people bigots – YOU ABUSE KIDS and that’s the truth. You’re evil. Evil.

People of the UK. Email your MPs NOW. Mine was really grateful to hear my views and so should yours. Tell them you want Stonewall away from kids and all government institutions. Enclose the tweet and say this is child abuse and what are they going to do about it? I mean it – do it immediately. Stonewall are on the ropes. We need to deliver the knockout blow.

And then we look at Mermaids.

To wee or not to wee, that is the question

Just a quick blog based on the usual bollocks where women’s needs and fears are being overlooked.

A man who owns a restaurant sneers at a customer who dared to say she hates his unisex toilets. Hundreds of women defend her saying they hate them too for reasons of safety and hygiene. Another smug twat jumps into the thread with the thickestcomebackever© so beloved of the hard of thinking. One in every thread, without fail. And off we go again with women being called bigots for wanting something that was completely uncontroversial until recently.

Men are a danger to women. I’ve accidentally seen some horrible videos while researching this subject (men in skirts wanking in communal areas where children are present, men laughing about leaving sperm on the loo rolls and men boasting about deliberately pissing on the seat, floor and loo roll ).

It’s frustrating and disheartening how many men (and sadly women) don’t care about women’s fears or dignity. So while we can’t change their minds, we can use the power we have; the power of money. If you hear that a venue has unisex loos ring them up and say you want to make a large booking (say eight people). Ask them if their loos are single sex as you are all women and it matters. When they say no, cancel the booking, making sure your reason is clear.

If you happen to be walking round looking for somewhere to eat ask about the toilet situation. Again make it clear why you are going to carry on looking if they don’t have women’s spaces.

Similarly if somewhere has clean, same sexed spaces, comment to the staff that you will recommend to your friends and put a review on TripAdvisor pointing this out.

Things won’t get sorted overnight, but we have to make our point of view as visible as possible. Business people will take note. Money is after all their number one priority.


I’ve been meaning to write this for a few weeks, but as usual I just can’t find the right words so bear with me, because this is a mixture of hope and pure anger.

First the hope. Finally politicians seem to be catching up with the dangers of gender ideology. Not Biden, but I don’t think he could catch up with an arthritic tortoise at the moment, so hello Trump at the next election. Thanks Joe.

Many countries are doing a complete turnaround on prescribing puberty blockers to under 18s. The evidence isn’t there to support this treatment and as we’ve been pointing out for years, children are being permanently damaged to feed an ideology. In the UK things are moving fast.


The comparison to grooming gangs has been floating round my head for a while now. People are so desperate to not be seen as racist that they ignore terrible crimes being committed by people of colour. We need to remember that being anti-racist means treating people equally; their skin colour must never be a factor in this treatment.

Creating a sacred group of men will always lead to horrors (priests, police, teachers etc) and now the get out of free card is trans.

Anyway, I digress. Here comes the anger.

The evidence for drugging gender non conforming kids has always been non-existent. In fact all the evidence we have points firmly in the direction of it being quack science that will destroy healthy bodies unnecessarily. Susie Green (who for some inexplicable reason is in charge of the British Munchausen by proxy charity) is even on video admitting that the puberty blockers she gave to her child, Jack, prevented his genitals from growing so he only had a micro penis when he went for surgery. Surgery that she took him abroad for, on his sixteenth birthday, because it was illegal in the UK. This is the woman who is persuading parents to do the same to their precious kids, using fake suicide stats and false ideology.

But finally the truth is coming out. The world is waking up, as it inevitably does to all medical scandals, and the reality at what has been done is there for everyone to see.

But the truth was always there. It wasn’t hidden away in some dusty vault. Do you think JK Rowling plucked her concerns out of thin air or maybe, just maybe, she did some proper fucking research, listened to experts and decided that despite the misogyny and terrorism produced by TRAs, children were worth protecting? Everything she warned about in her beautiful, sensitive blog is out there. No wonder she had to be attacked – someone that intelligent and well informed was always going to be risk. Thank you, Joanne. A lot of what is happening is because of your bravery. Children will be saved because of you.

So you (you know who you are) who decided to ignore all the evidence; blocked anyone who sent you facts in good faith; carried on supporting Mermaids even when it was clear as day that they were heading towards a huge scandal; sneered at anyone wanting to protect young gay and lesbian children, you can all go to hell.

We’ve got the receipts. We know who decided that their own ego and desire to be in with the ‘cool’ kids was more important than doing some actual fucking research.

When the suicide stats were firmly debunked you ignored and carried on stating them despite the Samaritans speaking out about the risk of suicide contagion.

When the doctors at GIDS clinics spoke out about the homophobic parents and lack of exploration into the root causes of distressed children you brushed it away, because you were elbow deep in an ideology that said people were born this way, when clearly this was never the case.

When brave detransitioners started to speak out you attacked them like rabid dogs, furious that they were showing your warped beliefs up for the nonsense they are.

When transsexuals tried to speak up against your cult, you stamped on them, took them to court, got them thrown off Twitter.


When case after case of trans abusers came to light you dismissed them all as lone wolves. There’s not a fag paper between you and the NRA.

You ignored so much evidence. You cheered on child abuse and you did it because you were swept away by mob mentality. You are no better than the crowds at a public execution baying for blood. You thought you were the good guys. You were not. You are responsible for the mutilation of thousands of healthy children. They will never get back what they had. And all because you were too thick (or lazy) to see what was going on right in front of your eyes.

You are the new Savile. So when you continue to call women terfs (yawn) or bigots (lol) it doesn’t work anymore. We don’t fucking care. Because we see you and what you’ve done, and what you’ve done is monstrous. You are monsters and your day of reckoning is approaching so fast and I for one can’t fucking wait.

Sajid Javid to launch urgent inquiry into gender treatment for children

Welcome to Gaslightland

This blog is probably going to be a bit shit. I just need somewhere to offload the chaos that this abusive cult has forced into my brain. I imagine swearing might be involved.

1. Transwomen are women. Anyone who identifies as a woman must be considered a women in every sense.

But if woman has no material reality what are they identifying as? So women don’t exist, but men know they definitely are these mythical creatures?

2. Trans people know who they are so believe them.

How do they know? What are you talking about!? A man knows he’s a woman based on what exactly? Women know they’re women because they’re women, with female bodies. No identity necessary there, fellas. What the hell is this gender identity you all keep wanging on about? Gender = stereotypes. So you quite fancy having the opportunity to wear the stuff in the ‘feminine’ dressing up box? Knock yourself out, no-one gives a shit. But putting on a frock doesn’t make you a women. The people who say they see you as a woman – they’re lying. They really are. Sorry if the truth hurts.

3. Why is the UK so full of TERFs?

You want us to be embarrassed about not falling for American bollocks? Maybe we saw a theory, written by a paedophile, and thought ‘no thank you’. Americans hate women so much they voted for a satsuma wearing a Vileda on his head rather than have a female president. Women are allowed to die because they can’t access an abortion. Have a baby? No time off work for you, birthing people. Sort that out before you start lecturing the Brits on your claptrap.

4. UK TERFs are in bed with the American right wing evangelists.

I know you love a bit of narcissism over there and think that the world revolves around your failed country, but (and this may shock you) left leaning British women are capable of having thoughts and opinions outside of your lunacy. Believing that a man cannot become a woman is not bigoted – believing they can is fucking idiotic. Sorry that you’re idiots. Was there a ‘bouncing your baby on its head’ competition over there 20 years ago?

5. If a woman doesn’t have a baby, or can’t, does that mean you think she’s no longer a woman?

My god, how do you people get dressed in the morning. Women (adult human females) are the class of people who produce the eggs that might lead to pregnancy. If you don’t understand that then maybe you need to pipe down.

6. If you think that there are only two sexes then you need to read beyond 5th grade biology.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do American schools teach one thing until 5th grade (whatever the fuck that is) and then completely change the text for 6th grade? Are you taught that gravity exists until you’re 10 and then at 11 suddenly find yourselves floating off into space?

7. People like Graham Linehan and JK Rowling have been radicalised by TERFs.

Do you understand ANYTHING you attention seeking dullards? To be radicalised you need to have your opinion changed by the preachers. I’m pretty sure that GL and JK have always believed that women exist and I expect all of you did once. So, I know critical thinking actually hurts your brain, but maybe… you’re the ones who have been radicalised?

8. Abusive men will abuse regardless so why do you need female only spaces?

Let’s make it easier for the abusers. Let’s put the foxes in the henhouse while we’re at it, seeing as they’re going to try anyway.

9. Transwomen are no threat to women. It’s men who are the threat.

Firstly, prove it. Prove that there is not one single TW who is a danger to women. Secondly, how do we tell? How do we prove the unprovable? Yes men are a threat to women, however they identify. I’m going to start the narrative that lions are as safe as domestic cats. Good luck when one of those comes wandering into your house.

10. You can only tell sex by genital inspections, you perverts.

So you’ve gone through life not being able to tell who is a man and who is a woman? When you watch a film that isn’t porn (if you ever do) are you perpetually confused? Again, how do you get yourselves dressed in the morning?

11. Misgendering someone is rude and you should lose your job if you do.

Says who? It strikes me that a bunch of kids have made up a load of rules and want the grown-ups who don’t comply to be punished. Again, fuck off. No-one gives a shiny shite about your identity or pronouns. You’re a very boring person and I don’t owe you any attention or have to go along with your stupid religion and compelled speech. Grow up. Oh and non-binary is not valid. It doesn’t exist, except in your middle class narcissistic fantasy.

12. Men should be able to compete in women’s sports because we’re all different.

If only women tried harder they could be men.

13. Trans kids know who they are.

They know they’re pawns in a ridiculous ideology and being used by surgeons’ to fund their pension plans?

The good news is that this is now going mainstream. TERF Island woke up the world and things are changing. It was always going to happen. You can’t build a movement on a foundation of lies. Forcing people to say up is down will always end in defeat. It’s a shame that the American culture war ever crossed the pond at all. We have a history of embracing gender non conformity. While we were mesmerised by Boy George, the Americans banned him. Different countries. Different cultures. Stop fighting American culture wars on British soil. We’re better than that.

Oh and by the way, I know there are lots of amazing people fighting this madness in America. Get the lawyers primed; you’ve got this and we have got your backs.

We’re here for all the witches, bar none.

Welcome to the new religion

The comparisons between gender ideology and extreme religion are becoming more and more apparent. I saw a rather stupid man call an intelligent woman a ‘cultist’ this week just because she believes that sex is immutable. He obviously followed it up with 🤣🤣🤣 because he was a prick, but it got me thinking.

The basic fact of the matter is that mammals cannot change sex. Biological sex is real and until recently all these 🤣🤣🤣 disciples would have been incredulous if you’d suggested otherwise. But the neo religion says otherwise and (although the majority don’t believe it) they are happy to say it to appease the gender gods.

The tactics used are identical to all religions/cults (see previous blog) yet they can’t see it is them who have been radicalised, not the many sane people who believe (or know) what has been established fact for thousands of years. There is a bloke in our local pub who used to openly mock the cross dressing man who popped in for a pint. He is now calling for the burning of the witches (especially JK Rowling); a complete 180° turnaround in just a few years.

The question is does he now see the cross dressing man as an actual woman (bearing in mind this man has a penchant for micro skirts and no underwear), a coward who doesn’t want to be ostracised, a sex pest who wants safeguarding to be dismantled or a common or garden misogynist who is enjoying bullying women?

All religions relied on intimidation and fear to gain power. They still do. They also protect the abusers within while punishing those who dare to speak out. They get to the young, to indoctrinate, to ensure the power continues. Because this is all about power and money. Trans activism is built on patriarchal capitalism. Abusers are taking advantage. If you are considering handing your children over to these monsters then for fucks sake wake up (and please make sure your schools are absolutely clear what you’ll do if you find out your kids are being indoctrinated).

Religions use fear to recruit, but they also use music to inspire and fill hearts with joy. Choose the latter. Reject the former.

The Big Lie

I’ve just listened to ‘The Coming Storm’ podcast researching the QAnon phenomenon in America.

It’s well worth a listen when you get a chance: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001324q

Although this is about the crazy Pizzagate conspiracy that a large portion of Republicans currently believe, the methods and motive behind it seemed eerily familiar.

This is not a new phenomenon (look through history and you’ll find a multitude of times where mass hysteria based on the the maddest of ideas swept through communities, countries, or globally despite being built on provable lies with zero evidence) but the speed of spreading these lies is definitely easier due to the Internet. It’s also true that the loudest voices in these movements don’t believe their own propaganda; it’s ultimately about power.

At the heart of every cult/mass hysteria is THE BIG LIE. This is the core point that you need your followers to defend, even though it is provably wrong; then you have to use tactics to make the people who can see it’s a lie feel like they’re the ones going mad. The big lie at the heart of transactivism is TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. It’s a clear lie. We all know it’s absolute bollocks. Even in the most captured there’s a part of their brain that knows it’s an ideology built on scientific claptrap. That’s why they block any evidence sent their way. Not because they think evidence is bigotry, but because evidence is dangerous to their beliefs.

Owen Jones is a ‘journalist’ or I think that’s what he identifies as. But a real journalist would investigate, dig deep for confirmed statistics, speak to people on both sides. A good journalist is only on the side of the truth.

What is clear is that transactivism has nothing to do with trans rights. It’s shady and is being used by 4Chan incels, paedophiles, greedy plastic surgeons, Russian intelligence etc

What is worrying is how quickly the left not only fell for this scam, but how deeply it has infiltrated government institutions, schools, courts and the police.

In America they have the right who think the establishment is abusing and drinking the blood of children and the left who believe that gender stereotypes control an inner soul and make you change sex.

What is hilarious is how people like Owen Jones and his band of merry loons have not only bought into this, but think they are on the right side of history. They have literally fallen hook, line and sinker for a scam that is abusing kids to make millionaire doctors even richer. Putin must be laughing himself to sleep every night.

Gender non conformity should be applauded. It’s ridiculous that in the year 2022 we still attach roles, fashions, hobbies to people based on their sex. The only thing that separates us is our biology, which is simply a tool to propagate the human race. Men impregnate women, women give birth. It’s very simple and just because some people opt out, have different sexual preferences, are too old or can’t, doesn’t negate the reason why we have two sexes. Gender identity is just a new way for dull people to try and look interesting.

People who repeat THE BIG LIE are harming the very people they claim to support. Whereas the ‘nasty TERFs’ are actively trying to protect children from making a terrible mistake. When child protection is labelled bigoted any sane society should sound out massive alarm bells.

This is a cult. I am absolutely sure. If you think me saying this is transphobic then read some books that you think go against your beliefs. If you can’t, then you have just proved my point.

A letter from the heart

To the Labour Party,

I was a member of your party for thirty years. I was so proud to join and follow in the footsteps of my family. I am working class and am still grateful for the many policies brought in by previous Labour governments that stopped me and my family from ending up on the streets. Thank you for our council house and for caring about the plight of poor families and for seeing us as humans and not scrounging scum. But now when I imagine myself announcing my pronouns to my poor, exhausted mother it makes me laugh. I can picture her response (“shut up and grow up” ) and quite right too.

So my heart breaks when I look at the current state of this once proud party and I wonder how it’s become the mouthpiece for middle class narcissists, completely ignoring its core voters along the way. The party of the red flag is now being led by people who are a red flag. Have you learnt nothing from your support of PIE?

Can you not see how you look to the ordinary people on the street? Those who are barely getting by at the moment, are relying on food banks or can’t afford to heat their homes? These are the people you were formed to help. The good people who keep society afloat, but can so easily fall through the cracks through no fault of their own.

You’re so captured by middle class navel-gazing that you are letting the very people who need you down. Imagine being a woman who has escaped abuse, living in a single room with her children, listening to grown-ups saying it’s wrong to say only women have cervixes!

Imagine being afraid of all the things that extreme poverty brings and watching the party you need to rescue you deciding that the most important issue is attacking women who know what a woman is?

Imagine working three jobs, just to get by, and being told that the people who are suffering the most are university brats who have convinced themselves that misgendering is literal violence. Posh kids who have decided to identify as oppressed, while people living in the real world are staying awake worrying that they can’t afford shoes for their kids.

Ordinary parents are terrified of what is being taught to their kids. This isn’t a game. Beautiful, healthy children are being taught the dangerous lie that they can choose their sex and I’ve spoken to mothers who are besides themselves with worry. We used to be able to let our kids express themselves however they wished, but now parents are pushing their kids to conform to regressive gender stereotypes to try and protect them from the evil bastards who might try and persuade them to mutilate their bodies, before they have even started to explore their true selves. Young children are grooming each other ; social contagion is real; I’ve seen the messages with my own eyes. When this psychosis passes I wonder if you’ll look at the pile of broken, damaged bodies and feel remorse?

This is real life and you are a party cheering on this chilling, sexist, homophobic, child abusing ideology.

I’ve heard a few of your MPs say it’s a non-issue, that you need to talk about jobs etc to win back the Red Wall. Well let me tell you straight – it is an issue. It’s a huge issue. People are angry and believe you me they will not vote for a party that is a risk to their children. To 95% of voters you look completely mad. People are sick of it. Really, truly sick of it.

Where are your adults? The people who are supposed to do proper research; to make you electable? Because at the moment you sound like a weird cult who for some reason have forgotten not only what a woman is, but that they have the vote. If you’re wondering why your polling is so bad – this is why.

If you don’t stop pandering to brats who have never been told ‘no’ and start listening to the people living in the real world, with actual problems, you will be in opposition forever. The Tories might be callous but they know which way the wind is blowing and they are knocking you out of the park on this. Children will go hungry, people will die and all because you’re too scared to stand up for truth and reality.

Shame on you.